
I understand that Trust deed or Mortgage loans inherently have a number of significant risks. Any number of these risks may cause a loss of some or all of the principle loan amount and/or interest, and/or the temporary or permanent cease of all interest payments.  All American Realty Holdings, LLC does not guarantee nor secure any loan. Trust Deed or Mortgage loans are not insured by the FDIC or any other governmental agency.

Trust Deed and Mortgage loans may not be suitable for all lenders or investors. By acknowledging this disclosure and agreement, you hereby declare that you and/or your lending entity is of suitable and substantial means to make Trust Deed or Mortgage loans, and that a loss on capital, interest income, and/or a temporary or permanent cease in interest payments will not create a financial hardship for you or your lending entity.

Although All American Realty Holdings, LLC may provide information regarding specific Trust Deed or Mortgage loans, it is the sole and absolute responsibility of each lender to research and verify all information provided by All American Realty Holdings, LLC including but not limited to, borrower’s credit worthiness, borrower’s past project success, borrower’s financial status, and property condition. By acknowledging this statement, you hereby understand that each lender is solely responsible for verifying all information about any specific Trust Deed or Mortgage loan, and you agree to hold All American Realty Holdings, LLC harmless for the verification of information given by borrowers, brokers or other third parties.

All American Realty Holdings, LLC does not guarantee the performance or quality of any loan presented for consideration. All American Realty Holdings, LLC will not be held responsible for any financial hardship or loss suffered as a result of lending on Trust Deeds and/or Mortgage loans.

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